We are delighted to introduce our newest addition to the studio equipment, a state-of-the-art 330 litre front loader kiln. We named our new biggest kiln so far after Dame Lucie Rie, prominent Austrian-born British studio potter, recently celebrated by a in-depth show in Kettles Yard.
With the promise of advanced technology and precise temperature control it gives us many hopes for the kinds of creations may now be envisoned and fired with us. This kiln is our first front loader, and it will take some time for Tatiana to learn ins and outs of how to make the most of it, but it is very exciting step forward, especially for sculptors we work with.
If you are looking for a community kiln hire, do get in touch with us via firing service page or contact form. It is our passion to make kilns available to the community of makers and artists in London. After 10 years of continuous work with so many sculptors and artists we have enough experience to be able to help almost anyone.