This Halloween there is nothing more frightening than pottery!
Tutor: Tristan Lathey
Saturday, 26 October 2019 2-5pm
Wrestle with the evil clay and shape your ultimate fear! Take home your very own piece of iconic 80s horror and learn a new skill.
Horror fan and ceramics artist Tristan has 8 years of slab building experience. He primarily makes cute animals which he exhibits in the north of England. He has been working at the Ceramics Studio Co-op since it opened in 2014.
This workshop will be run in a form of a masterclass that is focused on slab-building and decorating complex shapes and characters. Pieces created at the workshop will be glazed and fired in the studio after the class. They will be available for collection in 2-3 weeks.
All materials and firings are included in the price.